Never satisfied. I caught myself whining about having 12 orders to finish by Tuesday. Now that is a great thing and I want the business to do well but..... (kicking and screaming) now I have to actually do the work. Chris even told Abigail your mother is locking herself in her sewing room and you can't bother her. He generously let me work for several hours today without interruption. I'm starting to be caught in a vicious circle of spending all my time doing orders and not making new things, but without new things what will people order? I'm now finished whining.
As a side note a good friend emailed me today and asked for prayers for her daughter Kylie. She has had seizures most of her life and they can't seem to figure out why. Her last one was the worst yet. Please pray they can find the right medication, or cause to stop the seizures. So many of us know to well what it feels like to worry about your child for medical reasons.
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