If one more person tells me Jackson should be on Medicaid or that he should qualify for SSI I might blow up at them. I agree, I completely wholeheartedly agree. Anyone who has a medically dependent child should receive services from the government they pay taxes to. This brings me to the keep your fingers crossed portion of the post. Apparently there is a waiver program for Medicaid called the Medically Dependent Child Program. My understanding is that the child must stay in a nursing home for 24 hours to qualify. I'm sure this is a type of loop hole to help declare them medically dependent. I have the number to call in my area so pray that all goes well and that they are helpful and speedy. I have struggled with guilt wondering if I am really needy but you know what there are so many things Jackson is going to need that are out of our grasp. I just want to know I tried everything before we go ahead with surgeries this summer.
DIY Valentine’s Day Heart Porch
8 hours ago
Makily is four and I still hear it. We have tried. Florida is not a good state for getting the medicaid waiver although I hear there are many that are much better.
Hey Jen. I remember Liz talking about having to do this nursing home stay with Paul. They would go the nursing home in Kermit and spend the night so that he could get the benefits. Don't feel guilty about accepting these benefits if you can get them. Your husband works hard and y'all pay your share of taxes for these benefits. Think of all the people who benefit.....and never pay into the system. Get what is yours.
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