Let me start out by saying three kids wow what a household that makes! All of my kids have a great disposition and are great sleepers but they all need something somehow at the same time. I am trying not to make Abigail the "Can you go get this" girl but it's hard not to ask her to be my extra hands. Jackson has been very vocal lately. This is a great thing except that it is this high pitched noise that is driving me crazy. I am trying to adjust to this new sound but I have to admit it is hard. Caroline is precious. She is still in that sleep poop sleep some more stage. She is doing well at night, I just don't like getting up. I got spoiled with Jackson having a feeding pump. If only something could feed Caroline through the night. Ha Ha. For fear of jinxing myself I don't really mean that comment. So on to the ugly truth. My child is severely disabled. Not that this is new news it's just that at times you can forget and get into a normal routine then bam! something happens. Jackson needs new things. He still isn't sitting independently. He has outgrown the infant carrier plus someone else needs it. He had outgrown the infant bath and needs something else for the regular bath. As I was shopping in a special needs catalog for these items the physical therapist told me not to buy these items because medicaid will pay for them. I was very excited. He has now been fitted for a britax carseat, a bath seat and an unexpected thing called a kimba stroller. This stroller is amazing and the chair part comes out and attaches to a base like thing for your house. I am excited about these things yet having a hard time knowing they are necessary. A bed will be our next thing to try for. I think he needs something that elevates at the head to help with his congestion. We will see. Jackson is now 18 lbs 6oz. That is great news but now he's getting heavy or at least next to holding little peanut he seems heavy. He looks great and even has rolls to spare. That formula really was the trick. We just keep trucking along as life is ever changing.
DIY Valentine’s Day Heart Porch
8 hours ago
I'm happy you're being directed in the right direction for equipment as Jackton is out growing the "regular" stuff. Three kids -- oh yeah -- you are now officially outnumbered.
I read through this shaking my head saying 'i know'.
Getting the big stuff is always hard. The bigger Makily gets....the more afraid I get. I push it back though because there is nothing I can do about...time marches on.
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