I listened to this song about a million times when Jackson was in the hospital. It brought me great comfort and strength. I saw the video for the first time yesterday and wanted to share it with you.
Click on link to watch video click here
I challenge you to go for it. Whatever " it " is for you. Make your dreams come true. Be an inspiration to those around you. Nothing is impossible.
I would love nothing more than to hear your story as one that defied the odds.
With Much Love
Monday, September 15, 2008
Martina McBride - Anyway
Defying The Odds
I admit I am one of those people who gets most of their news from the headlines on Yahoo's opening page. I actually stay pretty informed that way. One of todays headlines is doctors baffled by woman's paralysis recovery. For a mother who has heard doctors use words like will never, most likely won't, we need surgery for that hearing stories that defy the odds are music to my ears. Miracles happen. No Explanation Needed!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Branching Out
I am trying something new. I have a new blog where I will feature some of the goodies I make in the store. On the sidebar is the link to sew jennifer creations. I am going to look into doing paypal but I want it to take off a bit first. I love doing custom orders for people and want to make this more available to my friends in far off places.
Life has been crazy around here as Abigail started a new preschool Wednesday. She lovesssss it! Jackson will have a nurse come on Mondays. Verdict still out on this one. I really liked her so we will see. Chris is back from his most adventurous trip to Denver. Lots of stories and lots of parties with big names. That's about as much detail as I care to talk about. Hot water heater went out that was an expensive venture. Business continues to do well and I am still enjoying it so....... the story continues